
🕒 Setting Your Timezone with HalloweenBot

HalloweenBot allows you to configure the timezone settings to ensure that all time-based features, such as event notifications and daily countdowns, are accurately aligned with your local time. You can set the timezone for either the entire server or just your individual user account using the /settime command.

Setting the Timezone

To set the timezone, you’ll use the IANA Timezone IDs, which are standardized timezones used globally. You can find a full list of IANA Timezone IDs here (opens in a new tab).

  • Choose Timezone:
    Use the command /settime to start the process. HalloweenBot will provide a pop-up interface listing all supported timezones. You can type and select your timezone directly from this list as it pops up.

Selecting the Target: Server or User

After selecting the timezone, you’ll need to specify whether the change applies to the entire server or just your individual user account:

  • Set Server Timezone:
    Choose the server option if you want to set the timezone for the entire server. Note that you will need the Manage Server permission to do this. This setting ensures that all server-wide events and notifications follow the selected timezone.

  • Set User Timezone:
    If you prefer to set your personal timezone, select the user option. This setting will apply only to your interactions with HalloweenBot, ensuring that time-based features reflect your local time.

Example Command

Here’s an example of how to use the command:

  • /settime
    1. Select your timezone from the pop-up list.
    2. Choose whether to apply the setting to the server (requires Manage Server permissions) or your individual user account.

By accurately setting your timezone with HalloweenBot, you can ensure that all notifications, events, and countdowns are perfectly synchronized with your local time, enhancing your Halloween experience!