Daily Countdown Setup

🎃 Setting Up the Daily Countdown Webhook

HalloweenBot makes it easy to keep your community engaged with a daily countdown to Halloween. By setting up a webhook, you can have HalloweenBot automatically send daily updates to your chosen channel at your preferred time. Follow the steps below to configure the daily countdown webhook for your server.

Enable or Disable the Webhook

The first step is to enable or disable the webhook for your server. This determines whether or not the daily countdown updates will be sent.

  • Enable Webhook:
    Use the command /setup config enable to activate the daily countdown webhook in your server.

  • Disable Webhook:
    If you wish to stop the daily countdown updates, use the command /setup config disable to disable the webhook.

Set Up the Webhook Channel and Time

Once the webhook is enabled, you'll need to specify which channel the countdown updates should be sent to and choose the time of day for the updates.

  • Create Webhook Configuration:
    Use the command /setup create to set up the webhook channel and time. HalloweenBot will guide you through selecting the channel where the updates will be posted and the exact time (e.g., 9:00 AM) when the countdown will be sent each day.

View the Current Configuration

After setting up the webhook, you can review your settings at any time to ensure everything is configured correctly.

  • View Configuration:
    Use the command /setup view to see the current daily countdown webhook configuration for your server. This will display the selected channel, the update time, and whether the webhook is enabled or disabled.

By following these simple steps, you can keep your server members excited and informed as Halloween approaches with daily countdown updates!